Monday, September 14, 2009

Starved Rock State Park - Utica, Illinois
Saturday, September 12, 2009
All of these were taken while carrying my 18 lb son around in the baby sling! Not easy! I thought they turned out pretty good...I can't wait to go back and get more!


The Angle of Dangle said...

I don't know if we are supposed to comment, but listen that kid looks like he most likely passed out because of your armpit stank, from all the hiking. I would like to say I am happy you didn't have him turned around to the backside facing your stank swass!! Peace and love, peace and love

That's a Shit Stain said...

Hey angle of dangle, don't be such a jerk.. you gotta understand girls don't stink. They always smell like fresh buttery avacado slices, if not that then butterscotch kisses. I think you should apologize and then realize that that's an innocent baby there & their sense of smell doesn't start until they are 3 years old everyone knows that....