Monday, August 31, 2009


Brooklyn & Jacob - August 2009
Aaron & Carla Krocke - June 2009
Layla - July 2009

Butterfly at Brookfield Zoo - July 2009

Miles at Four Seasons Park - August 2009

Today I downloaded a FREE program from Google called Picasa. I used it to edit these pictures that I had been storing for a while! I just knew they had some potential!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I took these pictures at Memorial Park Gazebo in Palos Heights on August 29, 2009. This is the place that Mike and I exchanged wedding vows 6 years ago to the day! We all came here as a family and celebrated together.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I had to throw a nice one in after all those spider pics (~chills~). This was taken in July 2009 at Four Seasons Park in Shorewood, Illinois. I used a timer - obviously. One of my favorite pics with me and my boy Miles.
Another "spider therapy" picture. Taken July 2009 at Illini State Park. Interesting...I'm not sure if these were daddy long legs or what. Anybody? Guesses?

A spider web on our back porch steps. I'm not sure what kind of spider makes these webs, but they seem to be everywhere! This was taken August 2009, the month that all of our furry little spider friends seem to show themselves the most. For those of you who know me, I have a terrible & almost paralyzing fear of these little creatures, so this has been my own little way of coping. It works...but only sometimes...

My son, Owen James. Taken in July 2009, he's 5 months old. I usually get the best pictures using natural lighting, and a lot of it, but this one is one of my favorites because it's so shady and subtle.

This was a flower from a bouquet I received from my brother & sister-in-law for Mother's Day this year. I love gerbera daisies!!!
This is my dog Layla. She is an English Bulldog. We got Layla from a breeder in Tustin, Michigan in August of 2003. She was my wedding present - little did I know how much she would mean to us! I always wanted a bulldog, and Mike made that dream come true for me!
She is 6 years old in this picture. I'm pretty sure that there are few dogs out there that could measure up to her! She's a healthy & spunky little thing! She is another one of my best models.
If you've ever seen Marley & Me, and you remember the scene where Jennifer Aniston's character is getting home from the doctor after finding out she lost her baby, and Marley comes over and just sits by her and lets her cry; well, that's Layla. She is one of the things in my life that kept me smiling through those hard times. A true friend.

I took this picture in April of 2009. These are my sons, Miles (top) who is 4 years old, and Owen who was 2 months old when this picture was taken. Owen was on our front porch in his bouncy seat, and fell asleep. It was a beautiful & sunny day, one of the first nice days of the year. I had to beg and plea with Miles, but he finally agreed to gently put his head on Owen's and close his eyes, and VOILA! My kids are now my best models! They are without a doubt the most beautiful things in my life.